Minor Variance Application Submission
Please ensure you have completed the following prior to submitting your form:
- You must use the 2024 version of the form. Fully complete all sections of the application form. In order to upload the application form in the next step, you will need to download the form here: MINOR VARIANCE APPLICATION FORM
- Signed application in all appropriate locations and obtain signed authorization from the Owner(s) if you are acting as their Agent. All applications are to be commissioned and non-commissioned applications are considered incomplete and may be returned. Remote commissioning (notarization) of affidavits, oaths and statutory declarations is now legal in Ontario. Commissioning is available at the Municipal Office, Court Services, Service Ontario, a lawyer, notary public, judge, or paralegal (an additional fee may be charged for this service).
- Fees as established by the Pre-Consultation stage and in accordance with the current Composite Fees and Charges By-law. Please note the Application fee and a Sign Deposit (one fee for each frontage) are required when submitting an application. The Sign Deposit will only be returned to the payer of the fee.
- Related materials, reports, and/or studies as necessary.
- Any correspondence, approvals, or permits from outside agencies/departments.
Notice Signage for Posting on the Property
The required Notice Signs for posting on the subject property can be picked up from the Municipal Office during normal business hours. Alternatively, if you would like to confirm availability of Staff, pickup arrangements can be made by emailing planning@midland.ca.
The Sign(s) are to be posted in accordance with the following:
- The required sign must be visible to the public; therefore, it must be placed along each frontage of the property. If your property has frontage on more than one public street, a sign is required for each frontage, and an additional sign deposit is required for each additional sign.
- Signs should be located on private property and not on the road It should not impact visibility for vehicles entering or leaving the property.
- Signs should be installed using the provided grommets and be at least one (1) metre above finished grade and visible from the The sign should be located no more than three (3) metres from the front property line.
- If the property does not have adequate frontage on which to post a sign, please contact the Planning Department.
- If the property is located on a private road, please contact the Planning Department.
- Should the sign(s) become damaged, lost, or is not returned to the Town Office within one (1) month from the date of hearing, the Applicant or Agent shall not be entitled to the return of the sign deposit.
- The sign shall not be removed until the day after the Public Hearing of the Committee of Upon return of the undamaged sign, the sign deposit refund will be processed and returned to the person who made the payment.
- The Town is now receiving all applications by electronic submission only. No hardcopy materials are required unless requested by Staff.
- A complete application will be determined in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Act, the Provincial Policy Statement, and the Town of Midland Official Plan. To expedite the processing of your application please ensure it is complete upon submission. Incomplete applications will be returned for your resubmission.
- If not all information can be provided within the application form itself, please include the information on a separate page and include as part of the application to be uploaded.
Please note the Town will not review any materials until payment is received. Payment can be made in the following ways:
- A cheque can be mailed/couriered to the Municipal Office with the attention to the Planning Department, or
- A cheque, debit, or cash payment can be made in-person during regular business hours, or
- A cheque contained within an envelope marked with the attention to the Planning Department can be dropped into the mail slot located at the Third Street entrance during, or outside of, regular business hours, or
- A credit card payment can be made over the phone (705-526-4275 ext. 2217) or in-person during regular business hours (a convenience fee of 2.4% of the total applies).
- Please be advised that technical and supporting studies submitted as part of a complete application may be required to be peer reviewed. If a Peer Review is required, the cost will be at the expense of the applicant in accordance with policies of the Town’s Official Plan. Planning Services will obtain prior authorization to proceed with the peer review from the applicant.
- Upon completion of review by the Town, there may be a need for additional submissions to address any comments. Resubmissions should include all of the original documents, documents that have been revised, and documents that have not been revised.
- Committee members and/or Town staff may conduct site inspections of your lands. By submitting this application, you are authorizing the Town to access your lands for the purposes of conducting the required site inspection.
- The applicant acknowledges that the Town considers the application forms and all supporting materials, including studies and drawings, filed with any application to be public information and to form part of the public record. With the filing of an application, the applicant consents to the Town releasing the application and any supporting material either for its own use in processing the application or at the request of a third party, without further notification to or permission from the applicant. The applicant also hereby states that it has authority to bind its consultants to the terms of this acknowledgement.
- This page forms part of the formal application submission.
Additional Requirements
Where Your Property Fronts on Provincial Highway 12 or Highway 93
Please be advised that you may need to consult with the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) directly respecting your planning application and may need to obtain a number of permits and/or approvals. Please contact the MTO Corridor Management Officer at 416-235-3509 or access the MTO Highway Corridor Management website. Town approvals and/or permits may be delayed or restricted where MTO permits and approvals have not been obtained.
Where Your Property Fronts on County Road 93 (North of Highway 12) or County Road 25 (Balm Beach Road)
Please be advised that you may need to consult with the County of Simcoe respecting your planning application and may need to obtain a number of permits and/or approvals. Please contact the County Engineering Technician or access the County website for the required application forms and fees. Town approvals and/or permits may be delayed or restricted where County permits and approvals have not been obtained.